Photography 1 Course Number: 50.0711001
This semester long course is an introduction to black and white photography and darkroom processing. Students will construct their own pinhole camera and create a photographic portfolio as they learn the technical and artistic aspects of photography. Photo history, critiques of photos, aesthetics and design will be addressed throughout the semester. Prerequisite: Introduction to Art
Photography 2 Course Number: 50.0712001
This course builds on basic skills and darkroom techniques learned In Photography I. Students hone skills in communicating meaning through photography. Students learn to use a 35mm camera, develop and print images from black and white film and refine darkroom and printing techniques. The course incorporates aesthetics, art criticism, art history and a brief introduction to digital photography.
Prerequisite: Photography I
Photography 3 Course Number: 50.0713001
Photographic Design III builds on the darkroom skills and on communicating meaning through photography begun in Photo Design 2. Students will work in a more conceptual manner to develop their own ideas, style and artistic voice while developing a portfolio.
Prerequisite: Photography 1& 2

Photography 4 Course Number: 50.0714001
In this course students continue to hone skills developed in Photo Design III. Students will work in a more conceptual manner to develop their own ideas, style and artistic voice while continuing to develop a portfolio.
Prerequisite: Photography 2 & 3