Printmaking 1 Course Number: 50.0511001
Printmaking I is a semester long course that introduces art printmaking using collagraph, serigraphy, linoleum relief, and monotype. A variety of media and tools are explored. The elements of art and principles of design are used to analyze, design, create, and evaluate prints. The course combines aesthetics, art criticism, and art history with production of print series. Prerequisite: Introduction to Art
Printmaking 2 Course Number: 50.0512002
Printmaking II expands on the printmaking skills and concepts explored in Printmaking I. Students further their study of media and tools related to printmaking. The elements of art and principles of design are used to analyze, design, create, and evaluate prints. The course combines aesthetics, art criticism, and art history with production of print series. Prerequisite: Printmaking I
Printmaking 3 Course Number: 50.0513001
Printmaking 3 expands on the printmaking skills and concepts explored in Printmaking 2. Students further their study of media and tools related to printmaking. The elements of art and principles of design are used to analyze, design, create, and evaluate prints. The course combines aesthetics, art criticism, and art history with production of print series. Prerequisite: Printmaking 2
Printmaking 4 Course Number: 50.0514001
Printmaking 4 expands on the printmaking skills and concepts explored in Printmaking 3. Students further their study of media and tools related to printmaking. The elements of art and principles of design are used to analyze, design, create, and evaluate prints. The course combines aesthetics, art criticism, and art history with production of print series. Prerequisite: Printmaking 3