Drawing & Painting 1 Course Number: 50.0313001
This semester long course instructs students in fundamental drawing skills and prepares them to make the transition to painting. Course work builds on drawing skills introduced in Introduction to Art. Drawing approaches include contour, value to model form, gesture, visual perspective. Students apply color theory as an aesthetic within their artwork. Students work with a variety of drawing media such as pencil, charcoal, conté, oil pastels. Art history, art criticism and aesthetics are incorporated with studio production of drawings and paintings.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Art
Drawing & Painting 2 Course Number: 50.0314001
This semester long course that develops fundamental painting skills and continues to strengthen composition and drawing skills. This course includes studies in color sensitivity and a wide range of media techniques. Art history, criticism, and aesthetics are incorporated with studio production of drawing and painting.
Prerequisite: Drawing and Painting I
Drawing & Painting 3 Course Number: 50.0315001
This course continues to develop painting skills and strengthen composition and drawing skills. This course furthers studies in color sensitivity with a wide range of media techniques. Students begin working on a unique artistic style and developing a portfolio.
Prerequisite: Drawing and Painting II
Drawing & Painting 4 Course Number: 50.0316001
This advanced course continues to develops painting skills and strengthen composition and drawing skills. Students work on creating a unique artistic style and develop a portfolio of work for future career or college.
Prerequisite: Drawing and Painting III